Casino Tricks

With dazzling lights, blaring music, and the jingle-jangle of slot machines, casinos are designed to produce a manufactured state of bliss. This euphoric environment encourages players to stay and gamble, even when they should know that they’re playing for a losing proposition.

Among the most popular casino tricks is to hide essential amenities like bathrooms, restaurants, and cash machines deep within the gaming area. This forces players to walk past numerous gambling opportunities on their way to use the restroom or grab a bite to eat, which might entice them to make one more bet before they leave. Casinos also don’t place clocks or windows near the gambling floor, because they want players to be unaware of how much time is passing.

Casinos serve free drinks because booze lowers inhibitions and clouds judgment. It’s a tactic that works well, because intoxicated patrons often have trouble judging how much money they’re spending or how long they’ve been gambling for.

Another casino trick is to disassociate winnings and losses from real money by using chips instead of actual cash. This allows players to feel more confident when betting big because it doesn’t sting as much when they lose. Plus, many casinos offer loyalty programs that reward player’s continued spending with perks such as free meals or hotel rooms, which further incentivize players to continue gambling.

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